We all have secrets—or we have had them at some point in our lives. But why do we keep secrets? What do they tell us about ourselves? More importantly, what do they tell us about the rest of the world?
These are exactly the questions that Himanjali Sankar and I will be grappling with on 29 November at the Bookaroo Children’s Literature Festival in Delhi. The session is for 14- to 16-year-olds, but come along anyway if you have an insight about secrets and the keeping of them. (Disclaimer: We might make fun of doddering oldies 25 years and above.)
Himanjali is the author of Talking of Muskaan, a fantastic new book about being different. She also happens to be—gasp!—my editor at Bloomsbury and the reason that Slightly Burnt is a real book rather than a idea floating in my head. (By the way, you should be able to buy both books at the Bookaroo book stall.)