
There comes a point when you run out of words. Yet another terror attack, yet another phase when we are scared of stepping out of our houses.

Well, I don’t know what to say, so I’m using other people’s words:

Very scary to think that the trains will be boarded again—or rather they already have— and there will continue to be the rush and an ill-equipped state machinery. Perhaps if we cut down the ridiculous Z-plus Black Cats for Priyanka Gandhi we could utilize the funds for those of us who need public transport and are ever in danger of losing our lives, either to the rickety buses we ride now to planned attacks. A friend of mine … was saying that this resolute spirit of Mumbaikars that is so feted and celebrated is actually nothing more than surviving each day. And if that means that one has been lucky to escape coming under the rails of the trains or being a victim of some crazed killer, so be it. Cynical….

(Vineeta, friend and work colleague)


4 Replies to “Speechless…”

  1. How are you doing, hun? How’s everyone you know there? Is everybody ok? This is terrible.

  2. The loss of innocent lives is so totally senseless. What did they get out of killing so many ordinary people going about their ordinary lives? Were they trying to prove their superiority, their strength by killing unarmed, weak, defenceless people?

  3. Terror attacks are horrible…and usually quite pointless. Was sorry to hear about it! 🙁

  4. One of the worst aspects of these attacks, apart from the loss of human life, is the utter hypocrisy that is displayed by the leaders and the media who go about paying tribute to the spirit of the city and the country. It seems that the only way a city can have an “indomitable spirit” is if dozens of its citizens get blown to bits, while the remainder stagger back to work the next day because they simply have no choice!!

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