Review #36: The Whispering Skull

52 reviews of 2015Our—well, certainly mine—favourite modern-day ghost hunters are back. Yep, it’s Anthony Lockwood, Lucy Carlyle and George Cubbins of Lockwood & Co. fame, and this time they are on the track of a ghostly artefact called the bone mirror. Failure will mean public humiliation at the hands of the snooty Quill Kipps of the Fittes Agency.

Set in present-day London in an alternate reality, we see a world far behind ours technologically thanks to the Problem. Which is the resurgence of the undead in various ghostly forms, who come out in the dark to terrify the wits out of the living. In this creepy world, children and teenagers, the only ones who can see and hear the ghostly beings, have taken on the role of protectors. Thus, it is up to agents like Lockwood, George and Lucy to flush out ghostly sources and shut them down. The Whispering Skull is the second in this fantastic series by Jonathan Stroud.

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