Post to blog with Blog2Post

ByteScout Post2Blog is a Windows blog editor supporting WordPress, Typepad, MovableType and more. It lets you compose and directly upload blog posts from your desktop.

It has some interesting features, including a Quick Snippets feature in which "hot keywords" are replaced on the fly by more detailed content. For instance, if I wanted Post2Blog to automatically make the text "Writer’s Log" a link and add a little tagline to it, I just need to specify it in the Tools –> Manage Quick Snippets list.

Apart from that, there are detailed formatting features, as well as options to upload files and images to your blog, to Flickr, ImageShack and via FTP. Post management features are also available. Smilies, code highlighting, spell checker, thesaurus — there’s lots more.

Yes, this post is created using Post2Blog. However, the software was last updated in 2007 and is currently unsupported. The links in the manufacturer’s site lead to a 404 and you must download it from

The jury is out on this one. Stay tuned for an update.


2 Replies to “Post to blog with Blog2Post”

  1. *whines* Unfairness! No fair, no fair! *tantrums* What about Linux clients? There is Blogilo and Gnome Blogger and lots others, and they are very VERY sorry to be left out.

  2. *whines and tantrums along with you*

    Completely agree. To be honest, this app is pretty ordinary and nothing to write home about, but I had to take a look at it for an assignment. I haven’t tried out any Linux editors (yeah, I need a Linux compy *sigh*), but I liked Flock’s blog editor more, and that’s available for Linux and Mac as well.

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