Banga Lore: Part I

According to a book of quotes, middle age is defined as that time of your life when you eat Death by Chocolate fearing that it might be just that! But no, I’m not bitching about my age—it’s Bangalore I’m referring to.

What’s the connection, you ask? The aforementioned Death by Chocolate (DBC in local parlance). It is a sinful concoction put together by an icecream parlour called Corner House, consisting of brownies, vanilla icecream, chocolate sauce and nuts.

Honestly, what a way to go!

Corner House have quite a few outlets in the city, but my favourite remains the one on Residency Road. Low-key and nondescript to look at, Corner House’s stature, however, far exceeds its outward appearance. In fact, it can be safely called a city landmark.

Apart from DBC it serves up a whole lot of amazing icecream combinations. My favourites include Brown Bomb (brownies, choice of icecream and sauce), French apple cake with cream, black forest cake with choice of icecream and sauce, and —don’t laugh—strawberries with cream.

As you can imagine, it was a very satisfactory way to start off our trip to the Garden City.

Stop number two on day one was Blossom book store on Church Street, just off Brigade Road. It is a book shop with a difference. They stock a vast selection of used and new books. While the used books are obviously cheaper, the new ones come at a decent discount as well. For a second-hand book store, they are remarkably well organized and their selection pretty good, especially fantasy and crime. They also have an enviable comics collection—though no Wheel of Time :-(.

I got part three of Trudi Canavan’s trilogy about the magician girl Sonea, a Henning Mankell, a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves for my mother, and a Newberry medal winning children’s book about a Pakistani tribal girl whose name I can’t recall.

I have a feeling I am going to go back there very soon!

~PD (in Bangalore)

[EDIT: Somebody is upset that I promised to mention Winnie the Pooh in my next post but I didn’t. So here it is. Happy?]

6 Replies to “Banga Lore: Part I”

  1. Let me tell you, I am not posting the comment, actually. I just want to tell you that I have used your design (with few changes!) template (posted at for our community website
    Thank you for such an excellent design!

  2. *drops by*

    Evening Jan. Sounds like you’re having a good time in Bangalore, you lucky sausage, you.

    From my experience, second hand bookshops are hellish places that smell funny. But yours sounds like quite good fun, methinks. :mrgreen:

  3. You lied! Your tongue is black and your words poison! You said, *takes upset breath* you said you’d add a note about Whinnie the Pooh being one of your favorit characteres in your next post… and this is your next post!

    *prepares a wooden stake for Jan’s unholy heart*

  4. You’re old, but not middle age old yet. *nods* So have some comfort in that! I’m old too. I’ll be 30 in eight years and some odd months! 30, Jan!

    I’m glad you are/were enjoying/enjoyed yourself! Chocolate is a gift from heaven, so have lots of it while you can.

    Like while you’re making the new forum layout and a matching site layout. That’s a good time to eat chocolate.

  5. 😯 EIGHT YEARS?! Gosh! Have you made your will? Booked you place in the retirement home? HURRY, woman!

  6. Payal,

    Thanks so much for sharing Priya’s wedding pictures anjd your Bangalore trip details. I really enjoyed reading it and got pretty nostaglic. Shreya is doing well and changing every week. Keep writing. Did you take any Bangalore pictures? I remember the Bangalore palace (lots of Hindi movie shootings happen there), Brigade Road, Nalli’s and MG Road. Isn’t there an ice-cream place – Lakeside or something as well? Bangalore rocks!

    Sorry- this is more of a note and not a comment!

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