About the new design

A short post to report that the redesigning is officially over. The new look had been on for a week or so, but a few things had to be ironed out. All done now, so yay!

Mainly, I was trying to get a feedreader to take the RSS feed from my blog and display it on the Writeside.net home page. I used David Chait’s CG-Feedread. I had trouble trying to remove some of the unnecessary messages that were showing up, and no one seemed to have an idea how to do it. Then I came across a blog that said I should just comment it out! I did and it works! 😉

On to other things. The books section is online again. I have also revamped the contact form, using a form processing system Niklas make for me. The script is available for free download, and there’s more information here. I have also revamped the downloads section somewhat.

Oh, well, this is not a short post at all!! 😳


One Reply to “About the new design”

  1. Hurrah for Jannie bug for making it work! 🙂

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