I am always on the lookout for interesting blog editors, and stumbled upon ScribeFire while working on a project on Chrome extensions. This one is already quite popular in its Firefox avatar, and a Safari version exists as well. ScribeFire proved pretty simple to set up: just enter your blog’s URL and it fetches most […]
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WordPress 3 is here
Writer’s Log is now running on the spanking new WordPress 3.0, codenamed “Thelonious”. The upgrade was done automatically from WP 2.9.x and it happened in the blinking of an eye. Things are running smoothly subsequently. WP 3.0 features the integration of WordPress with WordPress MU (multi-user), a slimline dashboard, a new default theme called TwentyTen […]
20 things to do in ’10
More than half of January has already gone by, but Writer’s Log still lags in last year. It hasn’t been for want of trying, but that is a lame excuse. Anyway, here’s a to-do list for 2010 (in no special order): Don’t make lame excuses about not updaing my blog Redesign my site (eeeep!) Put […]
- Scratchpad
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Airing my closet…
The anti-blog brigade’s major grouse is about how “self-indulgent” the whole concept of blogging is. But heck, if one has a cheap and easily accessible medium, a somewhat captive — if erratic — audience, the possibility of showing off one’s writing/coding/designing skills (or lack thereof), and being able to air one’s opinion without much opposition, […]
- Scratchpad
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Windows Live Mail
Has Microsoft finally got it right with e-mail software? Well, it’s hard to say for sure, but Windows Live Mail is certainly worth checking out. Apart from a spanking new and decidedly good-looking interface, it comes with a host of other features, including an IM client (yes, for Window Live users), RSS and newsgroup support, […]
The time has come…
…for the The Timeless Land After months of blood, sweat and toil, The Timeless Land‘s cover has been finalized and it looks like we’ll be rolling out soon. Just to recap — yes, it has been a long time and you’re forgiven for having forgotten — the Shadow in Eternity series consists of: Book 1: […]
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Hey Kitty!
Some seriously freakish things have been happening to me lately — not the least of which is the complete disappearance of the post about my new Web template, Jan 004: Hey Kitty!. Anyway, to cut a long story short, this a new Web template for download, created in honour of a friend’s birthday. Download it […]
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Free templates are back!
Jan 003 is a template that I have been working on for ages, and I finally got around to polishing and validating it, and making it ready for release. Jan 003 has been lovingly hand-coded and it has been tested on Firefox, Opera and Safari (on Mac OS), and IE8 and IE7 (on IE NetRenderer). […]
The Timeless Land
The Timeless Land is awaiting comments from the publisher, but I thought it’s high time I put up something about it. “I want not to have killed a person.” Maya Subramaniam’s life is arguably far more complex than the average fourteen-year-old’s. As the youngest Halvard of the Sands of Time, torn between loyalty to her […]
Book review: Neverwhere
At long last, Writeside.net has a new book review! This time we’re looking at Neil Gaiman’s Neverwhere, a fantasy novel about a thrilling adventure based in London Below. When the inoffensive and slightly sappy Richard Mayhew stops to help a girl lying on the pavement, his life takes a turn for… Oh, well, read on. […]