Finding my romantic bone

Rumour has it that I’m a closet romantic. Now, I’m not particularly keen to peddle such sacrilegious nonsense; in fact, I’ll have you know that though I love puppies and kittens, I don’t like flowers and pink and heart-shaped things. Sometimes I like mushy songs—I usually put that down to PMS—but I hate romcoms with […]

A smile is all it takes

Is Delhi airport making a conscious effort to become a pleasanter place by asking its staff to be nice? I ask because yesterday, upon stepping up on the little platform during security check, I was met with a big smile and a greeting. I nearly fell off in shock, and actually started getting a little […]

Auto-rickshaw adventure

So much of my life is spent in auto-rickshaws that I figure I must have some stories to tell. Of course, being more of a homebody, I don’t travel quite as much as most other people—such as people with full-time jobs—but yes, any trip outside the house usually ends up involving an auto. And yes, […]

Another one bites the dust

Am now one year older and wiser, and back home after a great day and even greater dinner (with cake), attempting to reflect on the year that was and on hopes for the year that is to come. First, here’s what I’d predicted one year ago that I’d be doing during Year 36. Let’s see […]

2011 year end survey

The following is a response to a mail I received, asking to participate in a little year-end survey. Since it was an excellent subject to make a blog post out of, here I am. 1. What event gave you the most hope this year? Hmm… that’s a tough one, but the highlight of the year […]

Mobile phone blues

After a long-drawn-out battle with my once-trusty old Nokia E51, I finally decided (with a heavy heart) to part ways with it. Thoroughly disgruntled by the choice of phones available these days (the proliferation of third-rate touch screens, the overemphasis on cameras and how many social networking sites you can connect to), I decided to […]

2011: A report card

Well, 2011 has more or less rolled by, and it’s time to take stock: January: Was alone on my birthday for the first time in my life. It was horrible. February: Got over the January trauma and tootled off to Delhi for the customary two months. March: Helped SV find a house and move. Wise […]